Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 3, 2012


We got some fun and not so fun news in the past few days. We will share the fun news first :) We are going to the beach next Wednesday!! Me, Maeleigh, MiMi and Nanna are taking a girls trip to Jekyll Island for 4 days. I am so excited!! I cant wait to see what Maeleigh thinks about the beach this year. When we went last year she was only 4 months old so she enjoyed it as much as a 4 month old could. She really likes getting in the pool though and the hotel we  are staying in has 2 big pools and a kiddie pool so I'm sure we will have lots of fun in the pool. And I have a feeling there will be some sand eating going on too, it happens :) haha. So we are super excited about that and cant wait to get down there! 

The not so fun news is that I am going to have to have knee surgery, again, for the 3rd time. Hopefully, fingers crossed, this will be the last one. I go for a MRI tomorrow and then I go Tuesday to go over everything and schedule my surgery. I am hopefully going to be able to get it done the week after Maeleigh's birthday so that I can get it over with and recover from it before the end of the summer so me, Chaz and Maeleigh can go to the beach for our family vacation. So all thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated because Dr. Robinson said that this knee is worse than my other one which means the surgery will probably be worse because there are more problems and the recovery time will be longer. The second surgery that I had on my right knee (the one that actually fixed it) took me about 2 months or so to get to where I could do normal activities and about a month or so more of physical therapy. So since my left knee is worse, recovery will be longer. Luckily I have the BEST Mamma EVER to take care of me and Maeleigh. Have I ever said how much I love her?! :) Because its A LOT! In case you didn't know :) She is my best friend and I have no idea what I would do without her. While I am talking about my amazing Mamma I just want to ask for thoughts and prayers for her too. She goes Tuesday for a cyst aspirations so pray that everything comes back normal, even though I have faith in God and I believe in my heart that everything is going to come back completely normal.

Anyway...enough about me, lets talk about my little sweet pea and the new things that she is doing just since my last post. One thing that she used to do when she was a little smaller and has started doing again is whistling. She just whistles away while she plays! It is the cutest thing EVER! It also absolutely amazes her Uncle Thomas. She is also blowing kisses now (I cant remember if I already said that or not), it is the sweetest this EVER! Aside from her hugs, kisses and love :) She also makes the indian noise, that's what we call it, where you pat your hand on your mouth while you say "Ahhhh". She has started trying to feed herself with a fork and spoon. It gets a little messy but that's okay. She has also started trying to push and walk (with help) behind her little toy stroller, which is really exciting! She also had a really good day in her gym class this week. She was very outgoing, playful and vocal. This is a big change from last week which was her first week in her new class, I think she was feeling a little afraid at first because last week she didn't want me to put her down. But then this week she didn't want to be held! She did the climbing challenge GREAT! As well as everything else she did. I have also started giving her milk so that she can get used to it. So far she doesn't really like it that much but she is starting to do better with it because we act excited and crazy when she drinks some so she keeps doing it. But for right now that's all I can remember, she does so  much these days I forget things sometimes.

I have been busy working on birthday decorations as usual these days. Invitations are in the mail so be on the look out for them :) Her birthday is in only16 days now!! I just still cant believe she is going to be 1 so soon! Where has the time gone...

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