Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 24, 2012


This time 1 year ago I had a 7lb.10oz. 20 1/2in. long precious baby girl, I now have a 19lb.1oz. 30 1/2in. long big girl! I still cant believe that my little sweet pea is 1!! This has been the best year of my life so far but I have no doubt that each year will only get better and better. Maeleigh had an AMAZING birthday party!! It was exactly what I wanted and I'm pretty sure that she had a great time too! We has almost all of our whole family and almost all of our good friends here to help us celebrate Maeleigh's special day. She got TONS go great presents and she loves all of them very much. She was so cute opening all of them and making sure that she gave every single one some love, there were even some cards and wrapping paper that she gave love. She is just so sweet and gives love to everything! She also very  much enjoyed her birthday cake! She had so much fun playing in and eating her cake, it was very obvious by her hands and face. haha. We are so thankful for everyone that was able to come and celebrate with us! And I just want to say thank you to everyone one more time. 

Just a quick update about me, I had my surgery this past Wednesday. Everything went well and I am starting my recovery now. It will probably take a good 8 weeks before I am able to do everything by myself again. I am just so thankful for all of family (that includes you Laura :) ) that has been helping me and Maeleigh and will continue to do so. And I also want to say thank you to everyone that has been praying for me, it really means a lot.

I guess that's all for now. Sorry this wasn't long, I'm just still very tired and don't have a lot of energy. I will do a better update when I am feeling a little better. I'm working on setting up a share page on Shutterfly to share pictures since I am really bad about putting them on here. 

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