Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 31, 2012


This morning when I fixed Maeleigh her daily prune juice she was so excited to get it, as usual. Then when she was done with it she put it down, put hands out beside her with her palms facing up and said "all gone". It was so cute! It was the first time that she had said it. Then after she got done eating her waffle she said it again with her hands put to the side. I forgot that I hadn't posted 3 other important very smart things that she has been doing for a while. She says "hot hot" and points at things that are hot. Some things just amaze me that she does and how she knows that different things are hot. The things that she knows are hot are the stove, coffee maker, coffee mugs, the toaster and the microwave. She will also hold up one finger when you ask her how old she is. We taught her how to do that right before she turned one and she does it so good. Then after she does it she claps for herself. She also wipes her mouth off after she eats or drinks something. I know I have said it a million times but she is just so smart and I am so proud of her!! She is getting braver and taking more steps here and there, usually going from one piece of furniture to the next. I think she will be walking in no time! I also forgot that I haven't posted that she has 2 top teeth now. It is so cute when she smiles and shows off all of her 4 little teeth! I'm pretty sure that she is working on some more though because she still drools a lot. She also likes to ride Jett as well. She dies laughing while he walks around with her on his back. And she laughs when he gives her a big kiss right in the face. I have tried to let her color with her pretty crayons and coloring books that she got for her birthday but she doesn't really get it yet, she just tries to eat them and tear the pages so we will try that again later. I already said that she loves to ride on her riding toys but I think I forgot to mention that whenever she gets in her car or rides on her other toys she will wave bye bye and blow kisses as she rides away. It is so cute, its like she is telling you bye because she is leaving and going somewhere.

It is supposed to be pretty hot today so it looks like Maeleigh is going to get to go for a swim. She LOVES swimming in her pool. I cant wait until the big pool is warm enough for her, and me, to swim in. We hope everyone stays cool today with the 94* forecast!

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