Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Lately I think that Maeleigh does something new everyday. Some of these things she had been doing for a while but I just forgot to put them on my last post because there are so many different things that she does that sometimes its hard to remember everything. But anyway...the things she has been doing got a while are fake washing her hands (after she eats, when she sees someone else doing it, if you are putting on hand sanitizer, etc.) she doesn't actually "wash" her hands but she rubs her hand together like she is really doing it. She also copy's a lot of stuff that people do these days like coughing (which is hilarious) and making different sounds with your mouth. She can also pitch a fit like a 2 year old, I'm hoping that she is just getting the terrible 2's out at 11 months :) haha. She also whistles, a lot! She does it constantly while she is playing and it is so cute! It amazes people at how good she does it! When she drops things she says "uh-oh" and then picks it up or points at it for you to pick it up for her. She is starting to stand up more by herself and getting better at it. I got her a little plastic pool last week and she loves to play in it. She splashes all around in it and plays with her toys. This past week I was talking to one of my friends who's little girl just turned one and is drinking milk now. I noticed that she was using a cup that was insulated with a straw in it so I asked her when she started giving it to her and she said about 2 months ago so that she could get used to using it so she could put her milk in it to keep it cold. So me being the overly prepared Mommy that I am, I couldn't believe that I hadn't thought that I should give her one already! So the next day I went to the store and bought her one, thinking that it would take her a little while to get used to it. So I put her juice in it and acting all silly and excited about it I handed it to her...well after about 30 seconds she was drinking out of it!! I couldn't believe that she picked it up so fast! I was so proud of her! So we are now using only sippy cups with straws :) Just another indication that my baby girl is quickly turning into a big girl. Sad and happy yet again...

Maeleigh will be 1 in 20 days!! Yes 1 days away from being in the teens for my countdown!! I just still cant believe it! But anyway...I have been very busy making birthday decorations, planning things, ordering and making presents and who knows what else! I have so much stuff to do I cant even remember it all sometimes.

I guess I'm going to go to bed now. Chaz has been working late since it has been so hot, I try to stay up until he gets home but man I'm tired! Chasing an 11 month old around all day can really exhaust you :) I put up some new pictures, I'm still missing a few (on another memory card) but I will try to remember to get them on here this week :)

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