Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I'm just going to do a quick catch up because for one, I have a ton of stuff to do and two, I'm very tired and would LOVE to get in the bed a little early and get a good night sleep. So here it is...

Maeleigh now smacks when she blows kisses and some she just smacks to give you kisses without actually blowing them. She is standing up by herself a lot more and it getting really good at it. She LOVES to feed herself these days and always has to have her own fork or spoon. She also likes to put her food in her lap and eat paper. haha. 

Today was Maeleigh's last gym class for the season and they had a little awards ceremony. Maeleigh got her first medal for all of her accomplishments this season and she is soooo proud of it! It is so cute how she holds it and shows it to people. I am so proud of my little sweet pea! She is so smart! She had another really good day in gym class today though, crawling all around and squealing like she did this week. And she even let Mr. Paul help her swing around the bar and she usually cries! Me, MiMi, Mr. Paul and everyone else in the class was so proud of her for doing so good and not crying! I just LOVE taking her to the gym and I know that she loves it too. 

Our beach trip with MiMi and Nanna was soooo much fun!! We decided that we are going to make it a tradition and we are going to do it every year. The weather could not have been more perfect! It only rained, well poured, one time and it was in the evening so it didn't really matter. I wasn't sure how Maeleigh would like the beach, I thought that she might be afraid of the water. Needless to say she was not scared the least little bit! She would crawl all around in the tidal pools and even tried to crawl out in the ocean! It was so funny! She absolutely loved everything about the beach! She also had a little bit of sand to eat, which she tried to hide from me as she had her back to me and was eating it out of her bucket. She also liked playing in the kiddie pool and loved the breakfast at the hotel. We also went to lost of good restaurants, went shopping, went to the Georgia Sea Turtle Center and went to St. Simons Island too. Maeleigh also came home with the best tan out of all of us even though I put sun block on her every 20 minutes, she has her Daddy's skin (thank goodness!). haha.

But anyway...I guess that's all for now. I just wanted to catch up on all of the big stuff before I forgot it, but I'm sure that I forgot some stuff anyway. The big day is only 4 days away now! So needless to say I am going crazy trying to get everything done! I will catch up on her birthday and everything else at the beginning to the week. Oh and I almost forgot, I am having my knee surgery next Wednesday the 23, I go for my pre-op on Monday. So please keep me in your thoughts and prayers next week. Oh and one more thing, I asked everyone to pray for my Mamma and I just wanted to let everyone know that her tests came back perfectly normal! God is good!! Ok I'm done now :) We hope everyone has a great weekend!!

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