Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Bored does not even begin describe how I feel. I have been confined to the recliner, except to go to the bathroom and the occasional trip to the kitchen when no one else is around, for a week now. I have seriously never been so bored in my life! However, I went to the doctor today for my post-op check up and everything was great! My post-op swelling is minimal, which is good, and I got my stitches out but I am still having some pain. As a result of this I have to stay on my crutches for 2 more weeks, 2 MORE WEEKS! I seriously don't know how people use these things for any extended period of time. I literally have bruises from them. But he did give me the go ahead to start walking more normal with them and actually putting most of my weight on my leg. But anyway, I'm sure that nobody really cares about all of this but I'm just so bored I needed something to do, you can only play on the internet and watch TV before you run out of things to look at and watch. I really need some new books...

Maeleigh is doing good, she is enjoying her new foods that she has been trying. She also loves her prune juice and gets very excited when she sees you fixing it. She is trying to walk more and more but she is still scared to just go by herself, she lunges for whoever is near her when she lets go. She has also been playing with her baby that she got for her birthday, she gives her love and kisses and feeds her her bottle. It is so sweet to watch her pretend like she is a little Mommy, giving her baby a bottle and then rocking her. She plays pretend so good already. Hopefully Nanna and Pape's pool will be warm soon and we can start going swimming (she gets bored sitting in the house after a while too). This means that she gets mad more often which in turn results in her biting herself. Still not sure if this is normal or not but I really hope that she stops doing it soon. He little arm looks pitiful after she does it :( 

Nothing to exciting but that's all for now :)

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