Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 27, 2012


I think it is safe to say that "Miss Priss" is a very appropriate name for Maeleigh these days. I just have to brag on her a little bit :) She has to be the smartest newly 1 year old I have ever seen! She has learned and started doing so many new things just in the past week. She blows kisses and waves bye bye to everyone when they leave without have to be told to, she rocks her "babies" (which so absolutely loves), she gives her babies love (hugs) and kisses, and now when you tell her that you love her or she is just being sweet she does the sign for love (she learned it in her gym class), it is by far the SWEETEST thing I have EVER seen in my whole life! You just cant help but smile when she does it. So it has definitely been helping me feel better since I haven't been feeling to good at all the past 2 days. She has also taken a few steps!! She dies laughing while she does it because she knows that she is doing something new. Back to the name "Miss Priss", my 1 year old talks back to/fusses at me. When she is doing something she is not supposed to be she says "Anh anh!" (not sure how you spell that) while she is doing it. She also says it back at me when I tell her "no". And earlier she was standing up in her chair and I told her "no no" and to sit down and I'm pretty sure she said "bad" to me. MiMi heard her so I have a witness. haha. However, I'm not sure if she was telling me that I was bad or if she was saying what she was doing was bad. Either way it was hard not to laugh because it was so funny and out of the blue even though I know it is very bad to laugh when she does something bad. But I'm pretty good about keeping a straight face when I am telling her not to do something. She loves playing with all of her new toys that she got for her birthday. She is doing 100% better with trying to walk now that she has her push toys and not just a walker. She pushes them all over the house, and she goes pretty fast sometimes too. She also likes to give her babies a ride on her toys. She loves to "read" her new book as well. She also points at things that she wants, she has been doing this for a few months now I just cant remember if I ever said anything about it. MiMi says that she is bossy, the way she points and says "uh uh". Its cute though, right now. haha. She has also started biting herself on the arm when something makes her mad, I have no idea why she has started doing this but I really wish she would stop because it leaves all these little red marks on her arm and wrist from her little teeth. She also enjoys sharing her snacks with Jett and Bullet and I'm pretty sure that they enjoy it too. She will give then one and they will take it out of her hand and then she laughs, eats one and then gives them another. I think it is so sweet that she already shares so well. And last but not least yesterday she started doing what we call the "crab walk". It is so cute and she does it all over the house. I think I got everything new that she is doing, if not I will put it in the next post. It is just so hard to remember everything!

Maeleigh has been doing good drinking her whole milk. I wasn't sure how it would agree with her tummy since she could never have milk based formula because it would make her spit up but she has been fine. We are also trying to get her to eat more new foods because all of the milk she has been drinking has been causing problems with her going to the potty. She I have to start giving her prune juice and Miralax everyday and cutting her milk back to only 1 cup a day and then she just drinks regular juice the rest of the day. Her doctor said to work her back up to the full amount of milk so that her tummy and everything can adjust to it gradually. So we are trying to get her to eat more foods that are high in fiber. So far it is going pretty good, she has just been eating whatever MiMi has around the house since I haven't been able to go to the grocery to get her some new stuff to try, but hopefully I will feel better and be able to go tomorrow so we can get her started getting better by her diet and be able to cut out the Miralax before to long. However, the Miralax is not habit forming so I am okay with her being on it even if it is for a little while and I completely trust her pediatrician. If you know me you know that I am really weird about giving Maeleigh medicine, I say its because I know to much about it haha, but like I said, if her pediatrician says she needs it then I will give it to her, because she is the same way I am with giving her medications. 

I want to start doing some different learning activities with Maeleigh because she is so smart and learns things so fast. So that is my plan to start this summer, I just have to find some good activities/websites that have good activities for 1 year olds, so if anybody has any they want to share I would greatly appreciate it. We are also going to start potty training soon, I just have to get her a potty and we are doing it!! I know people will probably think I am crazy for starting so early but Maeleigh's pediatrician said to go ahead and start so I am. The sooner we are diaper free the better! 

MiMi, Pappy, Uncle Thomas, Nanna, Pape and Laura have all been trying to keep Miss Priss occupied since I cant do anything. She has had lots of playtime, stroller rides and rides in her car that she got for her birthday both in the house and outside. I feel so bad that I cant take care of her but I am SO thankful that I have such a wonderful family that is willing to help me out so much. I don't know anyone else that would take care of a 1 year old and a 25 year old. haha. Chaz has been working very long hours because is has been so hot so we haven't got to see him much. That is another reason that I am so thankful for my amazing family, so that Chaz didn't have to take off work to take care of us. Since I don't work (which is another thing that I am very thankful for) he obviously has to work for us to be able to live. 

But anyway, I am about to attempt to go sot outside while Maeleigh plays in her pool. I hope that everyone has a wonderful and safe Memorial Day! And don't forget to stop and take a second to remember and thank those who fought and are fighting for our country!

Oh and my project for tonight is to get my Shutterfly share site up and going so that I can share all of Maeleigh's pictures. :)

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