Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 31, 2011

[2011 IN REVIEW]

2011 has been the best year of my life so far. I started out 2011 about 5 months pregnant and I am ending it with a beautiful, perfect, amazing, healthy, smart, funny 7 1/2 month old little girl. I mean what could be more amazing than that? NOTHING! She is the most amazing thing in the whole world! She is the light of our life and such a blessing. I'm sure that every year to come will only get better and better because we have Maeleigh to spend it with and eventually we will hopefully also have other children to spend it with too... but that's still a few years away. This year also started with me and Chaz both working 2 jobs so that we could save money for our sweet baby to come, and now at the end Chaz has a great job that he loves and wonderful people to work with and I am a stay at home Mommy which is exactly what I have always wanted to be. So anyway... here is a time line/summary of  the things that happened in 2011. 

-5 months pregnant with our little blessing

-Chaz started working for CAMS

-I started only working 1 job

-I turned in my notice at Putnam General Hospital and had my last day of work

-Maeleigh Denise was born on the 19th at 7:28p.m. weighing 7lbs. 10oz. and was 20 1/2in. long

-We just watched our sweet baby girl grow and learn new things

-Maeleigh had her 1st trip to the beach at St. George Island, Florida

-We just watched our sweet baby girl grow and learn new things and spent Maeleigh's 1st major hoildays together
-I graduated college with my Bachelor of Health Science in December

And now here, New Years Eve 2011.  We are spending the evening with MiMi and Pappy at their house to ring in the new year. It has been a great year and I can't wait to see what the new year will hold :)

We hope everyone has a wonderful and safe New Years!!

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