Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I cant believe that Christmas has already come and gone. We had a GREAT Christmas! Maeleigh got lots of presents from Santa and everybody else, she must have been a really good girl this year :) We got up at about 7:15 and Maeleigh ate her breakfast, then we went to Grandmamma's house to eat breakfast where Maeleigh had fun playing with Hayden, Gracie and Colton, she wanted to play with Lucas too but he was sleeping. Maeleigh really like Gracie's pretty velvet dress and kept feeling of it. After we left there we can home and Granny, Papa and Uncle Caleb came over and we ate lunch and opened presents. The about 4:00 we went to MiMi and Pappy's house to have dinner and open presents with them, Uncle Trey, Laura and Uncle Thomas. And then we finally came home to go to sleep. SO needless to say we had a very busy day  and Maeleigh was still worn out from it today, she took like 5 good naps...that never happens. All that opening presents and playing with her new toys really did wear her out, but she had lots of fun. And just like I thought she ripped open every single one of her presents all by herself! She is so smart! She knew exactly what to do with them. I didn't even have to show her not one time what to do. I can only imagine how fun her birthday is going to be. She is really enjoying her new toys since all of her old toys were "baby" toys she was getting really bored with them, so I'm glad that she has new stuff that she likes to play with. But I do know that we now need a bigger house, you cant even walk through the house for all of the toys everywhere. Who would have ever thought that somebody so little would have so much stuff that takes up so much space?! Haha.

We hope that everyone had as wonderful of a Christmas as we did :)

Now that Christmas is over I have to start planning Maeleigh's 1st birthday party! But I am going to wait until after the first of the year...give myself a few days to recover. Haha. But I figure I need to start planning now 1. because it has to be perfect and 2. if the next 5 months go by as fast as the past 7 months have gone by her birthday will be here before I know it. I just want to make sure that I have plenty of time to get everything done that I want to do, and I think that 5 months should give me enough time. I sound crazy I know but I want her 1st birthday to be absolutely perfect :)

But anyway...I am still very tired too so I am going to try to go to sleep since the princess is sleeping good :) I will try to remember to post some pictures soon.

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