Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, December 19, 2011


I am the worlds worst at this blogging stuff but I really think that it's a good way to keep up with family and friends and for them to keep up with us. I tried this before and completely failed but I'm trying again anyway, hopefully it will turn out better this time. I'm not going to go back to when Maeleigh was born because I will just get overwhelmed and quit again. So here we go...

Maeleigh is 7 months old today!! I can't believe that she is getting so big so fast! She is getting to be such a big girl and as happy as I am it still makes me sad that she is not my newborn little baby anymore. However, she is still my petite  but tall little girl weighing only 16lbs. 2oz. and 27.75in. tall : ) She is so sweet and gives the best kisses ever! She loves her food and has been completely sitting on her own for a little while now, however, I don't think she is ever going to crawl or get teeth. She hates to be on her stomach and would much rather be walking around in her walker. And she has been teething for 4 months now and I check everyday for those little teeth and everyday there is nothing. So she remains a little drool machine. She really babbles a lot these days and lets her voice be heard. Today she officially made both of MiMi and Pappy's doggies afraid of her. First she scratched Jett's ear when she was petting him and made him cry, then she tried to run over Bullet in her walker and made him cry too, so now they both run from her which is pretty funny. 

That's pretty much a summary of what has been going on lately, I would would write more but I guess I better go to sleep now since the princess is asleep. Sorry my first post was so short but I guess you have to start somewhere right? :)

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