Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, December 30, 2011


There has not really been much going on lately...just a few random things.

I thought that Maeleigh had found her voice about 2 months ago...I was wrong. She has NOW officially found her voice...I hope. She has learned to babble and squeal quite loudly. I think it is hilarious. We went and ate mexican last night with MiMi and Pappy and she took it upon herself to entertain all of the people around us. She was squealing and talking and also doing what we like to call the "baby chicken dance". If you have not seen Maeleigh's baby chicken dance you don't know what you are missing out on. I don't even know how to explain it but it is the cutest thing ever! She taught it to herself about a month and a half ago and she just keeps getting better at it and will now do it when you tell her to. She is so smart :) But anyway...all of the people around us were watching her and laughing and talking to her and needless to say she LOVED the attention. She would look around and make sure that people were watching her and then she would show off her dance skills. She has pretty much mastered being able to maneuver her walker around places. She still sneaks up in Jett and Bullet and tries to run them over which is very entertaining to watch. She will be very quiet and move really slow until she gets right up to them (they are usually sleeping) and then she goes at them full force! They usually get away but she got Jett today and he took off running when she ran over him and honked her horn and then she started squealing. She knew exactly what she did and she was quite proud of herself for catching him. She actually walks really good in her walker and has now started running. I swear she is never going to crawl, she is just going to go straight from sitting to walking. And now she will run really fast and then pick up her feet and keep rolling across the room. It is just so funny to sit and watch her and the new things that she learns and teaches herself. She is just such a smart little girl. She has to go to the doctor on January 10 to get her booster for her flu shot, which I am not looking forward to. I just hope that she does as good as she did with her 6 month shots, she was such a big girl. She loves playing with all of her new toys that she got for Christmas and will just sit on the floor and play by herself, until she throws all of them out of her reach and then she gets mad. But I think that is about all that is new with her lately :)

I can't believe that in 2 more days it will be 2012!! And then I will have to say that my baby girl will be 1 year old this year!! I just cant believe that she will be a year old in 4 1/2 months. I know I keep say that over and over in pretty much all of my posts but I just really CAN'T believe it! I swear I just had her! But anyway...I have already decided on my new year's resolutions...I have a few...

1. Learn how to sew. 
2. Get caught up on Maeleigh's scrapbook and keep up with it from now on. 
3. Get in better shape, NOT lose weight because that never happens, just tone up a little bit so that I feel better about myself and don't hate what I see when I look in the mirror. 
4. Learn how to crochet.
5. Make all of the fun things that I really want to make on my Pinterest :)

But I guess that's it for now! Maeleigh is ready for her lunch so I better run :)

Please keep the Needham family in your prayers. My brother Trey's girlfriend Laura's niece Piper, who is 2 years old, has leukemia and had a bone marrow transplant this past Wednesday. She has a long road ahead of her and will take all of the prayer and support that she can get. If you want to you can keep up with her on their blog The Needham Family.

We hope everyone has a Happy New Year!!

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