Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, December 23, 2011


This year has gone by so fast. I cant believe that its almost Christmas and then its going to be 2012. Its hard to believe that last Christmas I was 4 months pregnant and now this Christmas I have the sweetest most adorable 7 month old daughter in the world! Its crazy how fast time flies.

Anyway...I cant wait until Christmas! I am so excited for Maeleigh's 1st Christmas! And whoever says that she wont really do much this year but next year will be fun doesn't know my daughter. This child LOVES to unwrap presents! Her eyes get huge and she starts squealing and doing her fake cough and frantically claws at the paper until she rips it. It has to be one of the funniest things I have ever seen. She has already gotten presents from Susie, Lauren, Aunt Tiffany and Josh, and Shannon, Chaz's co-worker, and she opened all of them all by herself!!... well pretty much all by herself, I still had to help her a little because she thought that some of the wrapping paper would make for a good snack. So Christmas is going to be so much fun for us this year even though she is only 7 months old. I know that she is going to be so glad to get some new toys because she is obviously getting bored with all of her current toys.

From here on out, until Christmas Day, we are going to have a pretty busy schedule. Tomorrow we are going to Uncle Trey and Laura's house to welcome and show our support and thanks to Sgt. 1st Class Mark Allen as he makes his way home to Loganville. If you haven't heard about it you should plan on going, after all its the lease we can do for him after everything he has done for us [Allen Coming Home Friday]. Then on Saturday we are going to Nanna and Pape's house for Christmas Eve dinner as well as going to the Christmas Eve service at church. The on Christmas Day we are going to Grandmamma's house in the morning, then back to our house to spend the afternoon with Granny, Papa and Uncle Caleb and then in the evening we are going to MiMi and Pappy's house to do our Christmas with them, Uncle Trey, Laura and Uncle Thomas and eat dinner. So we are going to be very busy and doing a fair amount of running around. Thankfully Maeleigh usually sleeps in the car so hopefully she wont mind. And hopefully I can keep her on her schedule this holiday, she got really messed up over the Thanksgiving holiday and it took a while for me to get her back on track so hopefully that wont happen this time.

But anyway...I guess I need to try to go to sleep now...even though it probably wont happen. I just cant seem to sleep these past few nights, my mind just races about all kinds of random stuff as soon as a lay my head down and can go on for hours and hours before I actually fall asleep. Hopefully tonight will be better. Maeleigh is sleeping soundly after her second night with her cereal bottle before bed, so we will see how the rest of the night goes for her too. Goodnight :)

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