Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


So in my post about new years resolutions...I lied. I said that I wanted to get in shape but not necessarily lose weight...that was a lie. Every year I say that I am going to lose weight and it never happens so I wasn't even going to say it this year, but I changed my mind. I do want to lose weight. Not just to look better but to feel better and to hopefully help my knees from hurting. I started my new diet today and if all goes well, which it will because I am DETERMINED to do this, I will have lost 54lbs. by April 30. Sounds like a lot I know but that's what I want so that's what I am going to do. I know its not going to be easy but I am doing it for Maeleigh too for many different reasons. Its going to be hard so I will take all of the support and encouragement that I can get. But I think once I start seeing results that I will only be more and more motivated to keep going. I'm going to do it and that's all there is to it. I'm tired of being fat and this is the year that I am going to change it because I have someone else to do it for since I can never do it just for myself. And when I DO lose my 54lbs. I am going to go and buy some of the outfits that I have fell in love with on Pinterest :) haha. since I will actually be able to wear them then since I will be able to get them in my size.

So other than starting this year off with a lie, haha, everything has been going good! I am trying to introduce a sippy cup and stage 2 1/2 and 3 stage foods to Maeleigh. She is learning how to drink from her sippy cup pretty good, she was just confused by it at first but she is starting to get it now. She likes the stage 3 breakfast foods but is still unsure about the others since they have bigger pieces in them. She will eat the fruits and veggies but she wont eat all of them, but its a good start. She has also attempted to get up on her knees a few times in the seconds that she will lay on her stomach without screaming. So she is starting a lot of new things for the new year too. Its hard to believe that now I can say she will be a year old this year! Which brings me back to her birthday party AGAIN! haha. I plan on going to Hobby Lobby this week and getting some stuff to start working on her decorations. I love doing stuff like that anyway so I cant wait to start on it :)

Chaz had to go back to work today after being off for a week. Since it is going to start getting really cold now that means that one week he will probably get called into work in the wee hours of the morning and not get off until the evening and the next week he will go in in the mid morning and not get off until late at night or very early in the morning. I am not looking forward to this but its part of his job and I like to have my heat on when the wind chill is 14* like it was this morning and in order for that to happen he has to go to work. So will will survive, and be warm :)

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