Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 15, 2012


So I am most definitely the worst person in the world about keeping this thing up to date. But I'm going to try REALLY hard to do it this time and hopefully I will be successful. So for now I will just catch up on all of the things that Maeleigh is doing now.

For starters, she is into EVERYTHING! haha. She is crawling, pulling up and anything that she possible could and cruising. She definitely "talks" a lot too. She says MaMa, DaDa, no no no, bye bye, hey (sometimes) and coo coo (if you don't know, that is what she calls cats) and she knows what sound a cow and a dog make, we are still working on the others. She also waves hey, bye and at everyone we pass in the store or at restaurants as well as people in the cars beside us at red lights. Needless to say she is a very friendly little girl :) She also points at things that she wants weather it be food, a toy, her beloved blankie, her sippy cup, an animal or other people. She will shake her head "no" when she doesn't want something or when you ask her questions like is she spoiled, which she is not by the way...she is just loved :) She claps her hands when she is excited, when she wants Uncle Thomas to sing her a song so that she can dance to it or just because she feels like it. By the way, she love love LOVES her Uncle Trey and Uncle Thomas. And she loves to play peek-a-boo with her blankie. She gives love and the sweetest kisses EVER. Every morning when I get her out of her bed she gives me the biggest kiss to tell me good morning, it pretty much makes my day...every day :) She feeds herself very well and has been completely off of  baby food for about 2 months now, she did this on her own. She loves drinking out of her sippy cup so I'm hoping that taking her bottle away in a month wont be such a big deal. She loves her snacks too, and I don't blame her, those little things are pretty good! Her favorite foods are fresh corn from MiMi and Pappy's freezer, chicken nuggets, mac-n-cheese, orange sherbet and cheese sticks, oh and anything sweet but we limit those :) Some of the things that she likes that you would'nt think an almost 11 month old would are cabbage, broccoli, and peas (sometimes). She absolutely LOVES to be outside so that is where we spend most of our days lately. She loves finding the dead leaves, not the green ones, and tearing them up into little pieces and trying to feed them to you, she also loves swinging in her swing and watching Pappy work in his garden. She will also point to people and animals when you ask her where they are by name. And I have to brag on my little sweet pea :) She has to be the smartest 10 month old I have EVER seen! She pretend plays, the correct way, she tries to put her bows in her hair, she puts her lid on her sippy cup, and the lid on her puffs container. She also loves to put smaller things inside of bigger things, for example, the other day she was playing with measuring cups and I turned around and she had stacked them inside of each other biggest to smallest and put the lid to her sippy cup on top. I can't help but brag...I am such a proud Mommy :) On Wednesdays we go to The Little Gym in Snellville for her to play with her friends and learn lots of new fun things. She absolutely LOVES going to the gym and is by far the loudest one in her whole class. haha. I am sure that there are SO many other things that she is doing that I just can't remember right now because she is doing new things everyday it seems like.

My tall petite little sweet pea is about 18 1/2lbs. and pushing 30in long these days. She has her 2 bottom teeth and is working on 6 more, literally. You can see them trying to come through her gums and they just won't. So naturally that makes for lots of drool and so fussy moments, which is understandable, I think I would be fussy if I was trying to cut 6 teeth at once too.  

I am having a hard time believing that my sweet little baby girl if going to be a year old in 34 days... yes, 34 DAYS!! We are no longer counting down in months. I am sad and happy at the same time. I am sad because she is supposed to still be my little baby but now she is very quickly becoming be sweet, smart, fun, loving and beautiful big girl. So that makes me VERY happy as do all of the new things she is doing and learning.

So these days I am very busy chasing her around, planning her birthday party and making things for her birthday party, on top of everything else I have to do. I will be sending out invitations but go ahead and mark your calendars for May 19 from 2-4pm (tentatively). 

I will try to post some updated pictures tonight :)

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