Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


My baby girl is growing up! At every milestone there is a since that your little ones are growing up [I'm sure every mother knows what I'm talking about]. From holding their head up to sitting up to crawling to talking and walking and so on. Well last Wednesday we reached [what I feel] is the last milestone of Maeleigh being my baby. My little girl is officially POTTY TRAINED!!! We are diaper/pull-up free! [well, except for at night, we will tackle that later though.] I just can't believe it! My little girl is wearing big girl panties and not having any accidents, she's growing! I am so proud of her! We've been trying to do the potty training thing for a while but I've never pushed it. She has always gone here and there but not consistently. So last Tuesday Maeleigh's teacher Ms. Emily asked me if Maeleigh wore big girl panties at home and I told her no and she told me that she ALWAYS goes to the potty at school [which I knew because I haven't put any pull-ups in her bag in months]. So we went home that day and put on her big girl panties...the rest is history! She had an accident the first 2 days but none since then. I can't believe how easy it was, I guess she was just ready this time and she did it like a champ! She is so proud of herself too, she tells everybody that she is wearing her big girl panties. So there you have it baby girl is officially a big girl! So I'm happy and sad, I love all of these new milestones that she is reaching but they are just confirmation of how big she is getting. Not to mention that she will be 3 years old in less than 4 months! 3!! Where did the past 3 years go? I couldn't tell you.
So talking about 3 years's been that long since it snowed!! Random, I know, but I want some snow!! This was the last time it snowed...
I was 21 weeks pregnant with Maeleigh. So it needs to snow already. I mean its definitely been cold enough and I want to play in it with Maeleigh. The poor child has never seen snow before!
So anyway, I just wanted to share about my big girl!! Now I have to start planning her birthday party! [Yes I'm a freak like that and start planning my child's birthday party 4 months ahead of time]
Hope everyone has a great week!!

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