Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I forgot to mention in my last post that Maeleigh is officially talking now. She started saying Da-Da on Christmas Day and has not stopped since. I keep telling her Ma-Ma but she just smiles and keeps saying Da-Da. She sounds so cute! Sometimes she screams it, sometimes she whispers, and sometimes she says it in a deep voice (which is hilarious by the way). I just can't believe that she is growing up so fast and is starting to do so many new things. I was buying her some new clothes today with a gift card that I got for Christmas, because of course I buy nothing for myself and everything for her :), and I was getting her some really cute summer stuff and realized that I needed to get 18 months size...this makes me sad. I can't believe that this summer she will already be a year old and in 18 months clothes! It just seems like I JUST had her and she is still supposed to be my sweet little baby, but she is quickly growing into my sweet big girl which is perfectly fine, I just can't believe how fast she is growing.

Yesterday was a great day. Maeleigh got to meet her Great Aunt Shelley :) If you don't already know she is not technically my aunt but her and my Mamma have been best friends since middle school so I have always called her my aunt. But anyway...she lives in Maryland is in town for Christmas so we went to visit her. Maeleigh loved playing with Aunt Shelley and she got some really cute warm, comfy clothes for Christmas too. I am so glad that she finally for to meet her, along with her husband David, son Josh and David's mom Ms. Peg. Josh had a remote control helicopter that he got for Christmas and Maeleigh LOVED watching him fly it all around the room. She would be so quiet and sit so still and just watch it fly all around everywhere. So we had a very good visit with them :) Hopefully we will get to see them again and let Maeleigh meet their other son Evan who was flying in today. 

But anyway...since I am completely consumed with planning her 1st birthday party now I am going to go goggle and pinterest to my hearts content, or until I get so tired that I can't hold my eyes open...which ever comes first :)

1 comment:

  1. I love the blog. It does help keep up with everything because it all happens so fast. I always update the blog first and then go back and update the baby books.
